Xumba Printing

Acceptance of Terms of Usage


These Terms of Usage govern your access and use of this Site. By accessing or using this Site you agree to be bound by these Terms of Usage and to any additional guidelines, restrictions, or rules that may be posted in connection with specific sections or services of this Site. All such additional posted guidelines, restrictions, or rules are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use.


Xumbaprinting Inc reserves the right to make changes to this Site and to these Terms of Usage at any time without prior notice. You should review these Terms of Usage each time you access this Site.


You also agree that we may provide all legal communications and notices to you electronically by posting them on our website or, at our election, by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address you provided to us when you registered at our website. You may withdraw your consent to receive communications from us electronically by contacting customer care. However, if you withdraw your consent to receive our communications electronically, you must discontinue your use of your account.





All the terms and conditions and/or any transactions occuring online at www.xumbaprinting.com or by phone are subject to the laws of the State of Florida.  Xumbaprinting Inc is not responsible for the delay and/or damages resulting from Machinery Breakdown, Acts of God, and from other actions, both governmental and otherwise, including but not limited to war, riot, seizure, and embargo.   The tools available on www.xumbaprinting.com to create document is the property of Xumbaprinting Inc and its affiliated companies.  The Buyer’s order shall be deemed an acceptance of the Seller's terms.  The Terms and conditions shall in all respects be governed by STATE OF FLORIDA law. 





All orders are subject to acceptance by Xumbaprinting Inc. We reserve the right to reject any order at any time without recourse. We also reserve the right to change the price at any time even after we receive the order.





Due to the nature of the product, no returns can be made once the order is processed and/or shipped. Any claims for defects, damages, or shortages must be made in writing within two (2) business days after receipt of the merchandise. We will replace only those orders that were processed incorrectly. The replacement of the order will take place only after the receipt of returned merchandise. We will not replace the order if it is determined by us that the order was misused or mishandle by the buyer or part of the order was used by the buyer and part of the order is being returned. 



Credit Card


If the Buyer's credit card is declined, Xumbaprinting Inc will not process the Buyer’s order. If the order is shipped and should the Buyer's account become delinquent, Buyer agrees to pay a monthly finance charge of 2% (annual percentage rate of 24%) on the unpaid balance. If an account goes beyond the payment term's due date, unless specific arrangements are made, future purchases will require advance payment. In the event that Xumbaprinting Inc must commence legal action to enforce any terms of this agreement, the Buyer agrees to pay reasonable legal fees and costs.





We reserve the right to update and revise this Returns/Refund/Reprint Policy without prior notice to reflect changes in our policies, services and/or in response to our customers' feedback. When we do make changes to this Policy we will revise the "last updated" date at the top of this Policy. Please make sure that you review it frequently as any time you place an order with Xumba Printing the current Returns/Refund/Reprint Policy will apply.

We guarantee that our printed products will not be defective in accordance with industry standards. You may contact our Customer Service Department and a Xumba Printing representative will be pleased to help address any general issues you may have with your print job.

If you believe your print job is defective or has not otherwise met your requirements please contact Xumba Printing, IN WRITING, within six (6) business days of receiving your order. If you do not contact us within this time frame we will assume that your job was satisfactory upon receipt and will be under no obligation to provide a refund or reprint. Once you have contacted us, we will then have five (5) business days to determine if a reprint or refund is appropriate, or to advise you that more information is needed to process your inquiry. If we request additional information to verify an inquiry and it is not provided within a reasonable time, we will be under no obligation to provide a refund or reprint. If we determined that a product is in fact defective or has not otherwise met our obligations, one of the following two resolutions will be offered:

1. We will reprint the print job.

2. We will refund the original order price.

We reserve the right to request samples of any allegedly defective merchandise prior to either of the above resolutions being agreed to.

A Customer Service representative will generally contact you within 24-48 hours of us making the determination that a reprint or refund is appropriate in order to confirm the approved solution. If you do not make contact with our representative within five (5) business days of their first attempt to contact you with the approved solution we will assume that the issue has been otherwise resolved and no reprint or refund will be given. Once the approved solution is agreed then, unless we agree otherwise, you must return the entire original print order to us, at the address provided by our Customer Service representative, within 15 calendar days after the date the solution is approved. If you do not return it within this time frame you agree that the original order will be charged against your credit card on file with Xumba Printing.

A refund or reprint will only be possible after an approved solution has been authorized and, unless we agree otherwise, provided that the entire original print order has been returned to and received by us.

When applicable, a refund will be issued within 10 business days of our receipt of the original product order.

A reprint will begin production within one (1) business day of our confirmed receipt of the product or such earlier time as we may agree to.

The forgoing is Xumba Printing sole responsibility with respect to a defective order. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Xumba Printing is not responsible for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if Xumba Printing has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the order.

The following are some guidelines and examples of issues that do not constitute grounds for a refund, or a return or reprint of a product:

  • An order that is refused at time of delivery or undeliverable orders. (We will reship the product at the customer's expense if requested).
  • The product is lost, delayed or returned to Xumba Printing due to an error made by the customer in submitting the proper shipping address. (For product that is later found or that is returned to us we will reship the package with a corrected address and charge an additional shipping fee for the shipment).
  • Product that is delayed in production and/or shipping as a result of the customer providing inaccurate information.
  • Product that incurs a higher shipping charge as a result of the customer providing inaccurate information.
  • Product that is delayed in production and/or shipping as a result of shipping company delays, acts of God, weather conditions, environmental or dangerous goods incidents, perils of the air, public enemies, public authorities acting with actual or apparent authority, acts or omissions of customs officials, authority of law, quarantine, riots, strikes, work stoppages or slowdowns, or other labor disputes or disturbances, civil commotions or hazards incident to a state of war, local or national disruptions in ground or air transportation networks or systems due to events beyond our control, disruption or failure of communication and information systems, disruption or failure of utilities, international customs issues, and any other circumstances that are beyond our direct control.
  • Product that has experienced a color shift during the conversion to CMYK format, for example as a result of having been submitted by the customer in RGB or PMS Pantone colors.
  • Errors that are contained in the uploaded customer file, e.g., misspelling, graphics, bleeds, grammar, damaged fonts, punctuation, wrong cuts, incorrect or missing folds, die lines, crop marks, transparency, overprint, and finished product size. Xumba Printing does not make any changes on customer files.
  • Product that experiences print or images that are fuzzy, pixilated or otherwise distorted as a result of the customer providing artwork that is not at a minimum of 300 DPI at 1:1 ratio (or 100%) and/or in CMYK mode.
  • Products that do not exactly match color or ink density. Xumba Printing does not color match or match customer specified ink density.
  • An inability to print or write on the product, unless the product description states otherwise. A typical UV coated product cannot be printed or written upon. Matte finished products may or may not accept printing or writing. We recommend that you order a sample from us and test it using the printer you will use before placing a final order. Xumba Printing is not responsible for an inability to print or write on a Product, unless the product specifically states that it is suitable for this purpose.
  • Orders that are duplicated as a result of customer error.
  • Orders that are canceled after the order has entered into production (or any process thereafter).
  • Orders that contain dated materials that arrive after the relevant date or with insufficient time to use the material as intended. It is a customer’s responsibility to allow sufficient time when placing an order for time sensitive materials.
  • A customer’s violation of any of the terms and conditions governing the use of Xumba Printing’s website and/or ordering of product.
  • Viruses, worms, trojan horses and other forms of harmful or malicious code that are not detected or removed using Xumba’s standard virus/malicious code detection procedures.
  • Loss, corruption of, or damage to your personal information, Customer Content, order history or related information that is stored by Xumba Printing.
  • Our failure to notify you of any delay, loss or damage in connection with your printed products or shipment or any inaccuracy in such notice.
  • The release of an order by the shipper without obtaining a signature.

Please note that Xumba Printing’s provision of advice, assistance or guidance either on this Website or via our Customer Service representatives does not constitute an acceptance of responsibility or liability for any problems that may arise in connection with any print order or services provided.






Shipping terms are F.O.B. _________.  Xumbaprinting Inc will arrange for shipping with the carrier on behalf of the buyer.  The Buyer will be fully responsible for the shipping and handling cost.  Xumbaprinting Inc will not be responsible for the delay in delivery, loss or damage of the order while the order is with the shipping carrier.



Limitation of Liability:


Xumbaprinting Inc will not be liable in contract or in tort (including negligence) to the customer for incidental or consequential damages, arising out of or resulting from anybody’s performance or nonperformance of our obligations.  Xumbaprinting Inc shall not be liable to anyone for any kind of financial losses, cost, expenses, damages and/or other economic damages.  The Buyer agrees that the Buyer will not hold Xumbaprinting Inc responsible for any and all loss, cost, expense, and damages (including legal costs) on account of any and all manner of claims, demands, actions, and proceedings that may be instituted against Xumbaprinting Inc and its affiliated company (S) on grounds alleging that the said work violates any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, or is scandalous, or invades any person's right to privacy or other personal rights.



Cancellations and Refunds:

A print order can be canceled at any time prior to it entering into production. If you cancel an order prior to it entering into production a Xumba Printing Service representative will inform you of any cancellation charges incurred. (Please allow at least 10 business days for any refunded monies to be credited to your account). A print order cannot be canceled and no refund will be given once it has entered into production or any process thereafter. No refunds are issued for Logo and Graphic design services. All cancellations must be completed in writing by email sent to info@xumba.com.

If within forty five (45) days or later of you placing an order and Xumba Printing has not received any files or incomplete files from which to complete your job, Xumba Printing may at its option cancel the order and refund any payment charged to your credit card.


Tagging of Art Work:


The Xumbaprinting  is a discreet mark that we add to artwork designed and printed by us on the edge of the printed piece.  This is a sample of what our tag will look like:

Designed and Printed by Xumbaprinting.com 786-228-8510 (Printed on 5 PT arial)

Tagging your orders is the only reason we have been able to maintain such incredibly low prices in today's challenging environment.  We do understand that in some instances a customer feels more comfortable removing this tag.  We give you the option of removing our tag for a product dependent nominal fee.  If you are not clear on our tag options please contact us at 786-228-8510 so that a customer service representative can provide you with further information.